About Us

Kelsey Brackett


Hi, I’m Kelsey! I am a single mom to a little boy, with another on the way. Long before becoming a mom, I did something else that changed my life in ways I never imagined; I became a certified Child Passenger Safety Technician (CPST).

Child passenger safety quickly became a passion after earning my CPST certification in 2014, and grew even deeper after earning my Instructor (CPST-I) designation in 2018. So when the opportunity came in 2023 to start this business with my friend and fellow CPST-I, I knew it was what I needed to pursue. I left a career as a communications director to pursue car seat education full-time, allowing me to pursue my passion while being a little more available to my family.

Being a CPST has been one of the most rewarding skill sets I have picked up in my professional career! I am so happy that it is something I can now pursue full-time and share my love for child passenger safety with other caregivers.

I love to travel, so if you aren’t in the Bakersfield area, worry not! I would be happy to discuss how I can bring my unique skills right to your home or to your organization.

Portrait of Car Seat Concierge Co-Founder Rachel Rivera

Rachel Rivera


Hello! My name is Rachel and I’m a car seat nut. 

Wait, no, that’s not right. 

I’m a “Certified Child Passenger Safety Technician Instructor” (CPST-I). But “car seat nut” feels fairly accurate. 

I became a CPST in 2015 and earned my Instructor designation in 2019. With a career background in law enforcement and now having daily exposure to my own sweet child passengers, I have a deep understanding and appreciation of what it takes to use car seats correctly, every time; obeying the law while balancing best practice with real life. 

I am a native of Bakersfield, CA who did what so many others do; tried to escape by attending college out of state, but returned home after graduation. Shortly thereafter, while working for the Bakersfield Condors, I met the most incredible man, to whom I am now married. Together we have three wonderful children and a precious shelter pup, and no real plans of leaving Bakersfield, aka, “home.” 

My passion is connecting with people; lovingly educating parents and community partners on how to protect child passengers without the judgment so many caregivers have come to expect from people who know more than them on any given subject. Taking care of kids is hard enough without all that stress! I look forward to being part of your family’s success during this wild season of life, which, for better or worse, has to include car seats. 


Our Business Model

We offer three categories of services: private appointments, group workshops, and CPST certification training. Our desire is to see our community become a safer place for child passengers by meeting various caregivers and community partners where they are and enhancing their knowledge about car seats.

Private Appointments

Our private appointment options all center around personalized assistance and convenience. As moms, we understand the challenges of juggling your baby’s needs with all of life’s other to-dos. That’s why we come to you, whether at your home, the hospital, or car seat aisle at the store, we want to make this chore a little less work. When you choose Car Seat Concierge, you won’t have to worry about navigating your way to an unfamiliar building or entertaining your child(ren) in a vulnerable space while also trying to learn about your car seat. By meeting you where you are, we can make your appointment as stress-free as possible. 

Prior to your appointment, gather the manuals for both the vehicle and car seat—or let us know in advance if you don’t have them so we can look them up ahead of time — make note of your child’s current height and weight (obviously, not necessary if baby hasn’t yet been born), and install your car seat to the best of your ability. All of this will help us ensure proper installation at the appointment and correct use of the seat moving forward. 

For the appointment itself, select the service that suits your needs and plan for an hour of hands-on training. We will go over your vehicle’s restraint and safety systems, the car seat’s specifications and features, your family’s seating arrangement, and your baby’s individual fit.

When you book The Works, your appointment also includes one follow-up phone consultation, up to six months after your appointment date. 

Passenger Safety Workshops


Do you have a large group who would benefit from information on safe passenger practices? In 2021, the US experienced 42,939 deaths as a result of motor vehicle collisions. Anyone who rides in a vehicle could benefit from a Passenger Safety Workshop, but we especially recommend these workshops for three primary groups; parents/caregivers who transport child passengers, grandparents/caregivers returning to car seats after a generation+, and big kids who are ready (or almost ready) to transition out of child passenger seats. 

Logistics for your workshop will be mapped out prior to booking, and tailored to meet your specific needs. =

Parent/Caregiver Workshop

Are you part of a group of parents who are in the car seat season of life? Are you looking for a guest speaker to come in and speak on a safety topic that will truly benefit all the attendees? If so, this parent/caregiver workshop is just what you need. 

In this workshop, we will go over the various car seat options, features, arrangements and phases of use. 

This workshop is designed to be given in one of two formats; 

  • Information only

  • Information with hands-on practice

The information-only workshop is 1-hour and the hands-on format can run 2 to 3 hours, depending on how many parents/caregivers participate.

Big Kids Workshop 

Our workshop for older children (approximately, ages 8-13) focuses on educating big kids on the importance of using proper restraints when riding in motor vehicles. 

Hey parents, let's face it; as our kids get older, we start to sound more and more like the adults in Charlie Brown’s world; a lot of “waa-wa-wa-wa-waa-waa.” Sometimes it takes an outside voice to get through to our youngsters. When it comes to the subject of car seats, a workshop like this can be an especially helpful resource as daily battles over booster seats can eventually wear down even the most resilient parent! Sure, we want our kids to be safe, but no one wants to constantly feel like the roadblock to their child’s joy.

Whether you’re a school, club, religious group, or family, let us come speak directly to your kids about how they can ride as safely as possible. Workshops can be tailored to your group’s time constraints and age range, with the goal being heightened understanding of laws and best practices for all attendees. These interactive workshops will go over your state’s child passenger laws, show current crash testing practices, and allow for participants to “sit and see;” an opportunity to sit in a demonstration seat and learn for themselves what booster seats do and why they matter.

Grandparents Workshop

The day has finally come; your not-so-little-anymore baby has informed you that you’re getting promoted to grandparent! Finally, you get to lavishly pour your love and attention onto a baby who is all yours, until the time comes for the “less-than-pleasant” stuff, at which point you give the child one last spoonful of sugar and send them back to mom and dad. Ahh, the best of both worlds. Congratulations, Grammy/Pops! You’ve made it. 

But wait, what’s with all this new baby gear? Have babies really changed this much since you had little ones of your own?? Bottle warmers? Boogie siphons? Organic, hypoallergenic daytime diapers? Oh my! No wonder parents today are so frazzled. 

While not all the latest and greatest equipment is necessary, there’s one piece of equipment you probably can’t avoid; the car seat. 

Car seats have changed a lot in the last few decades, and, watching our own parents navigate these ever-evolving contraptions, we know how helpful a refresher can be for individuals who haven’t had to think about car seats in a number of decades. That’s why we developed this workshop specifically for grandparents! 

In this workshop we will cover rear-facing infant seats all the way to boosters so that you’ll be prepared for each new phase as it comes. From current car seat laws and best practices to tools, tricks, and modifications that make installation and use easier on joints and muscles that might not be as agile as they once were, we will make sure you are prepared to safely transport that precious grand (or great-grand!) of yours for years to come.

CPST Certification Courses

Child Passenger Safety Technicians undergo thorough training in order to earn this designation. CPST certification is regulated by Safe Kids Worldwide, who falls under the National Safety Council umbrella and works directly with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. 

The certification course we provide is 40 hours and can be given as one week-long, in-person class, or broken up into a hybrid class consisting of smaller sessions of in-person and online training in order to accommodate varying work schedules. (Hybrid class length can be customized for your specific needs, although we recommend a four-week timeline.) 

Upon completion of the technical training, CPST candidates must participate in a community seat check event in order to put their new skills to practice on a variety of different seat scenarios. Once candidates have completed each portion of the certification training, they will become full-fledged CPSTs, ready to offer car seat assistance like a pro; successfully navigating law, best practice and liability.

Certification is active for two years, at which time you would need to recertify. Recertification consists of 5 seat checks observed by an Instructor, 6 continuing education units (CEUs), and community education through outreach events. For more information about recertification, head over to Safe Kids Worldwide’s FAQs.

Part of any CPST’s certification is continuing education, but we aren’t just any ole CPSTs. Car seats are our passion so we go above and beyond to stay up to date with all the latest trends and technology. If you ever see us tinkering with car seats in the baby section of a big box store, don’t mind us… that’s like our version of a candy store! 

Vehicles and car seats are ever-evolving products (link “ever-evolving product” to IG reel!) and these industries as a whole are perpetually evaluating and reevaluating safety standards and practices. So we do our very best to keep up to date with the latest advancements in both vehicle and car seat technology. 

One of our favorite ways to stay up to speed is by attending the annual Kids in Motion (KIM) Conference. It’s the only gathering of its kind, bringing together major players from across the car seat industry—from manufacturers to social media influencers, authors of CPST curriculum to regular CPSTs from around the world! It’s the Disneyland equivalent for anyone who’s passionate about car seats—and it’s a wealth of information to keep us sharp. 

Beyond the formal training lies the myriad of scenarios we encounter every time we take on a new client. No two vehicle/car seat/child/surrounding passenger situations are exactly the same, and that’s part of why we do what we do. It’s why there are so many variations of car seats with so many different features and guidelines. The countless variables are the key contributing factor to misuse, and while that can be disconcerting to anyone attempting to safely transport a child passenger, it’s no reason to panic. 

We know that not everyone knows how to troubleshoot all the issues and incompatibilities that may arise when installing that seat in that vehicle for that child, but that’s where we can help! We encourage you to read the manuals—both for the vehicle and the car seat— but if you’re confused or stuck, ask for help. We’re ready to help you be the hero of your family’s story in this little chapter called “car seats.” 

Always Training

Interested in getting certified?

Do you have a passion for keeping kids safe? Do you love seeing parents/caregivers learn new skills that enable them to better protect their little ones? Do you already serve families and want to add another phenomenal tool to your tool belt? Maybe becoming a Child Passenger Safety Technician (CPST) is right for you!

CPST certification is regulated by Safe Kids Worldwide, who falls under the National Safety Council umbrella and works directly with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. 

The certification course we provide is 40 hours and can be given as one week-long, in-person class, or broken up into a hybrid class consisting of smaller sessions of in-person and online training in order to accommodate varying work schedules. (Hybrid class length can be customized for your specific needs, although we recommend a four-week timeline.) 

Upon completion of the technical training, CPST candidates must participate in a community seat check event in order to put their new skills to practice on a variety of different seat scenarios. Once candidates have completed each portion of the certification training, they will become full-fledged CPSTs, ready to offer car seat assistance like a pro; successfully navigating law, best practice and liability. 

Certification is active for two years, at which time you would need to recertify. Recertification consists of 5 seat checks observed by an Instructor, 6 continuing education units (CEUs), and community education through outreach events. For more information about recertification, head over to Safe Kids Worldwide’s FAQs.

Service Area

Our primary service area is metro Bakersfield, however we are willing to travel with the addition of travel fees. Let us know what you’re wanting to accomplish and we will do everything we can to accommodate your request.

Map depicting Car Seat Concierge's Service Area of Kern County, CA.